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The first total solar eclipse since 2017 strikes the world

New Jersey's eclipse view, captured through eclipse protection glasses.
New Jersey’s eclipse view, captured through eclipse protection glasses.
Ella Patel

In 2017, South Carolina was one of the places where you could see the eclipse at 100% totality. Watching it from the 100% is an experience many do not get to experience. In the totality of an eclipse, you hear and see different things that aren’t usual throughout the day. First, it gets colder, and then the wind picks up. After about 2 minutes, the moon starts to cover the sun. As the moon covers the sun, the rest of the sky starts to go black, and you can hear the animals make noises as the sky goes black.


The eclipse this year was on April 8, 2024. Experiencing the totality was fascinating–with the eclipse being the sole time the world goes completely black. Driving to see the total eclipse is worth it. The pictures taken from locations in New Jersey during the eclipse show that it was not extremely dark. In Burlington, Vermont, the sky went dark and you could see the moon completely covering the sun. You can look at the moon covering the sun for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds as we saw on the timer we had on during it. That is when you can take the glasses off. However, when that time is up, you must put your glasses back on so you do not go blind from the sun’s radiation.


Seeing the eclipse any other way other than in the totality is not less intriguing. Not getting to experience the totality is something that everyone needs to experience, especially if it only comes around every 7- 20 years. The next one will be in Florida in 2044 which is 20 years from now, in 2024.


“It was cool that I had it during practice and seeing it, but it was a little underwhelming because it didn’t go completely dark.” Abi Miranda ‘26 says.


In Burlington Vermont, there was an estimate of about 50,000 people there to see the eclipse according to Spectrum News. I got the opportunity to go there and see it. While the eclipse was happening you could hear people cheering while seeing something most individuals have never experienced before. While sitting watching the eclipse you can also hear the dogs and other animals barking and getting confused since the sky went dark and the air got colder within a matter of seconds. It took about 5 seconds for the sky to go dark and the moon to cover the sun. The totality lasted for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Once that time is up, you cannot look at the sun until it is over. There is a risk that you could get extraordinary damage in your eye and maybe even go blind.


“ During the eclipse, I was worried that the sun would affect my eyes if I looked at it for too long with the glasses,” says Leah Simpson ‘27.


Everyone should get to experience this once in their life. All people should be able to see it in totality. It seems underwhelming until you see it in totality. Although the next one is not till 2044, everyone should try and get somewhere to see the totality of it.

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