When a musical artist releases new music, their record label promotes it using various methods. One of these methods is sending high school newspapers a poster promoting the new release. The Crimson, Bernards High School’s newspaper, has been sent many posters in the past year. More specifically, The Crimson has received three posters from two different artists; Benson Boone, for his hit single, “Beautiful Things”, and his first studio album Fireworks & Rollerblades, and a new upcoming band, almost monday’s first album, DIVE. With only 1.2 million monthly listeners on Spotify, almost monday’s record label, Hollywood Records, had a great amount of work to do to promote their first studio album, which came out on September 25th, 2024.
As a new band of three from San Diego, listeners are taking to the Alternative/Indie style of music. Since 2020, almost monday has released 16 songs plus an EP in 2021, before their 11-track album debuted in September. almost monday brings a different musical style to each of the 11 songs, yet all tracks keep to the feel of summertime.
Advit music fan, Ari Rosen ’25 says, “I like the summertime feel and I would most definitely listen to it during the summer.”
Overall, the album is a good first album for an up and coming band. It has its flaws, that could be fixed when their next album comes out.