Allen Thurlow
Vienna Caruso, a fourth grade student at Bedwell Elementary School, poses in front of her column of her articles.
Mrs. Mariani’s fourth grade class at Bedwell Elementary School may have the next up and coming writer for the Bernards High School Crimson! Vienna Caruso is a fourth grader from Bernardsville who has taken an interest in writing articles in Mr. Thurlows Technology & Design class, wowing both Mr. Thurlow and the rest of her class.
Mr. Thurlow came to the Crimson Staff asking if her work could be displayed for all to see in an issue of the Crimson Newspaper, saying he could “never recall any student working this much ever before”.
Caruso has written so many articles that she has been given her own separate column in the classes news padlet, titling it “Good Vibes with Vienna”. In her work she mainly does interviews of teachers and staff members of the school, including Bedwells principal Mr. Koellhoffer. In addition to her interviews, she has also written a few articles including one titled “Behind the Scenes of the Family Picnic”.
Vienna is interested in continuing her journalist interests in the future, saying “I would absolutely want to write more in the future because writing is really fun and you can use your imagination in writing too.”
Be sure to check out the BHS Crimson website for more information on Vienna Caruso, and to see an example of her writing!