On April 12, HBO aired its fifth season of its hit series, Game of Thrones. The season premiere brought in a whopping eight million viewers. The series follows different characters within different areas of the continent Westeros and Essos. Over a ten year summer, several narratives take place, the first being a civil war among nobles for the Iron Throne over the rule of the Seven Kingdoms. The second narrative follows the people of the North, and an impending, treacherous Winter, as well as the foreign creatures that lurk outside its walls. The final narrative follows the previous rulers’ attempts to reclaim control of the Throne. Upon the fifth season’s arrival, Daily Beast contributor Melissa Leon has stated that George R. R. Martin’s fantasy novels turned award winning series will have its “most political season”.
The same characters are vying for the Throne, with new alliances in the works. Fan favorite Tyrion Lannister, who has just murdered his father, Tywin Lannister, is “on the run”, like most characters presented in this episode, who need to migrate in pursuit of the throne, or stay put like Daenerys Targaryen, otherwise known as Khaleesi and the Mother of Dragons. Daenerys is found struggling internally, after freeing the slaves of her kingdom and contemplating man on man fighting to the death, a tradition among the people she has taken over. Junior Elee Khademi is excited to see Dany’s storyline play out, saying, “She is an interesting character, and I’m also looking forward to seeing Tyrion’s outcome.” Other female characters are more involved than ever before, with just as much, if not more of a chance of obtaining the Throne. Margaery Tyrell is known by viewers as Geoffrey’s (pre-death) wife to be, and now by attempting to seduce the new King. Her persuasions could easily lead her to be Queen of Westeros, and in perfect placement for the Throne. Dany could also be in line for the Throne, as she tries to tame her Dragons who have, since the last season, gotten exceptionally bigger. Once settling conflicts within her current Kingdom, she plans to head to Westeros.
Junior Sophia Campbell, who read the books, watched the premiere saying, “I’m really looking forward seeing Khaleesi take control and also to see Dorne and the sand snakes.” Avid readers of the series will note that this season, show creators have decided to twist the plot even further, keeping characters alive that were killed off in the books, and killing those that previously stayed alive in the book series. Now, not only will just show viewers be surprised, but those who also read the fantasy novels. Game of Thrones is sure to please all who watch this season, promising surprises and just as much blood and gore as previous seasons. Catch up on the episodes you miss on HBO Go or On Demand, and watch Game of Thrones every Sunday at 9 on HBO to see who will take the Throne.