A vaccine was authorized and is now being distributed this week in the USA. With a vaccine being created within a year of the pandemic starting, many are nervous of getting the vaccine, though it has been through many stages of checking and testing. Many are scared of long-term effects, while others trust the scientists and health officials.
Pfizer and Moderna both used a new cutting edge technology for their called mRNA, which prepares the body for an immune response to COVID-19. The mRNA only lasts in the body for a few days before completely destroyed, but the body does a “fire drill” preparation, where it prepares itself so that it can protect itself from the COVID-19.
A survey was conducted for BHS’ students, and here are the results. Of the 100 students questioned, it seemed many felt safe getting the vaccine. A chart is shown here, with 1 being not safe at all, and 10 being very safe.
Below is the chart asking how likely they would be to take the vaccine.
When asked whether they would take a vaccine if made available to them, 57% said yes, 10% said no, and 33% said maybe.
Some are skeptical of this vaccine, that they felt was rushed.
“It usually takes years for vaccines to be tested and safe, so I don’t know how comfortable I would be taking this brand new one,” commented Maria Rivera.
“The vaccine is brand new and we do not yet know what the long term side effects are. They rushed a vaccine very fast and I don’t feel comfortable getting it without knowing how it will affect me in the long term,” said Elyssa Briggs.
Other students said that since they were relatively healthy, they did not feel the need to take a vaccine with their healthy immune system.
“I had COVID-19 during March of last year. I do not think it is necessary for me to receive the vaccine since I most likely have a natural immunity. Unless the vaccine is mandated, I most likely will not receive it,” replied Matt Snyder.
“I won’t be getting it because my body, as a decently healthy teenager, is already almost entirely immune to the virus. It is extremely likely that the side effects from taking the vaccine would be much worse than any symptoms that I would develop if I caught COVID-19,” said Alexander Maria.
However, some were not completely opposed to the vaccine, but wanted to wait before getting it.
“I don’t want to be one of those supper paranoid people when it comes to the vaccine, because I am not anti-vax in any way, shape or form, however I will probably wait just a little while to see if anyone sprouts an extra arm or leg before taking it. If it is available, though, and if people have taken it before me with good results, I will definitely jump at the chance of getting it,” said Maddie Bozack.
However, many people felt they needed to get the vaccine to protect themselves, loved ones, and others in their community.
“Getting vaccines doesn’t only help yourself and your health but others too. It’s also the responsible thing to do,” said Annie Cannan.
“My whole family is high risk so we would get it to try and keep us safe,” said Alexa Flynn.
Not only that, but most of the comments were that they trusted the vaccine, as the professionals were the ones handling this.
“I trust the FDA. This isn’t a case of a rushed product not being up to snuff, because if it wasn’t good enough it wouldn’t get approved, and at this point I’ll do anything to return to normalcy,” said Eddie Berman.
“After taking AP Biology, I have a much better understanding of the safety around this vaccine and would be fully willing to get it if offered to me TODAY. I know I am safe due to the way this vaccine acts and how it was created. Therefore, I believe it is in the interest of the world to research exactly how this vaccine works and become more familiar with how safe you are when taking it,” said Matt Dolan.
We also surveyed the staff for their opinions on the vaccine. They seemed to lean slightly less towards the side of getting the vaccine. Below are charts with the same questions as the students’.
When asked whether they would take the vaccine if it became available to them, 55.8% said yes, 18.6% said no, and 25.6% said maybe.
Some said that they were hopeful that this vaccine would end the pandemic.
“I grew up in an era of Polio and childhood decease. Vaccines cured and eradicated these conditions from the population. I trust that this pandemic can and will be mitigated by scientific means and cooperation from the people,” said Mr. Dennis Babicke.
“We are in this together. This is really the only way to get out of this Pandemic and get back to “normal” life again anytime soon. I hope people will realize this, put any fears aside and get vaccinated. It will save countless lives! Perhaps even yours or a loved one,” said Dr. Ferrara.
Some, however, did not feel safe getting such a vaccine that seemed so rushed.
“I do not feel comfortable receiving a vaccine that was quickly developed in under a year. We don’t know yet what side effects, or long term effects, could occur after inoculation,” said Mr. Young.
Regardless, make sure you make responsible decisions when it comes to choices you make during this pandemic.