The students of Bernards High can expect a spring sports season. In preparation for the modified season, a spring sports memo has been sent out to inform athletes and their families of the adjustments that are being made due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be found on the online district home page. Although there is no official season start date, some sports have been given a rough start day for practice. For instance, Girls Lacrosse has been told that their season will start on April 1st. Even though student-athletes may be excited at this news, seniors may begin to feel a little bittersweet since their last high school sports season is going to be cut short.
There are both pros and cons to the push back of the start date of the spring sports season. For example, most of the time sports teams could not have games and practices at the beginning of their seasons, as the weather during the early months is still difficult to play in, which will be decreased with the later start date. As for the cons, the sports season may now continue in the advanced placements exams along with finals.
All of the same requirements and paperwork are required to participate in this modified season, but the specific adjustments pertaining to the nation wide pandemic have not yet been announced. Although Bernards is not the only school following the same precautions, most schools throughout New Jersey are also pushing back the start date of their spring seasons as well. Even though it may be modified student athletes should expect a spring sports season.