HBO Max introduced its Harry Potter 20th year anniversary reunion special. Airing on New Year’s Day, ‘Harry Potter: Return to Hogwarts’ reminisced on the past. This two hour documentary goes back in time with the cast of Harry Potter, reliving their days on set from the beginning.
Many of the main characters played by Daniel Radcliffe, Rubert Grint, Emma Watson, Tom Felton and others took a trip down memory lane to their world of wizardry. Harry Potter fans from all over raved over this special reunion.
Throughout the documentary, the actors expressed the bonds created through specific scenes, the background behind the magic and the raw emotions felt through the whole series.
The stars shared special moments together like their favorite pastime activities, the floating candles in the Great Hall, romantic bonds, favorite scenes and embarrassing kisses. Behind the scene footage revealed these in real time; the game of hand slaps as their favorite pastime activities, the candles in the Great Hall that burned through the ropes, Tom Felton and Emma Watson’s romantic relationship, and the dreaded kiss Emma Watson and Rupert Grint shared in Deathly Hallows part 2. Watson had explained it was one of the “hardest things” she had to do considering her and Grint were like family to each other.
On another note, author, J.K. Rowling was not present in the reunion special. Warner Bros. specifically did not include Rowling in the production due to previous transphobic comments she had made online. According to, the reunion special was designed to take the public’s focus away from the situation, while keeping the special to be a lighthearted nostalgic trip to the past.
Within the film, fans also noticed some tiny errors within the documentary. The film featured images of the main actors as children, one of them being Emma Watson. However, producers mistakenly used a photo of Emma Roberts as a child instead. Fans quickly picked up on the mistake, turning it to an innocent joke within the Harry Potter community. In a statement from a producer congratulating the fans: “Well spotted Harry Potter fans!” demonstrates the whole-heartedness that the community is made up of.
If you didn’t catch the premiere on New Year’s Day, Harry Potter: Return to Hogwarts is available to watch on HBO Max only.