The recent release of the leaked Supreme Court draft on Mississppi’s 15-week abortion ban has left the indication that abortion rights in the future would be decided by the states. Due to the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade, depending on the state, abortion “could be illegal or very difficult to obtain in about half of states,” according to The Washington Post. This restriction could affect the numerous women close to childbearing age.
The Roe v. Wade case, in 1973, was a countrywide decision made by the Supreme Court, stating that the Constituion protects the rights of a pregnant women to choose to have an abortion without unecessary restricitions. However, the draft opinion suggesting that the Supreme Court may overturn this case, will result in no rights whatsoever.
According to the New York Times, “The Supreme Court confirmed last week that the draft was authentic but cautioned that it was not final.” Since the leak, there has not been another draft decision made.
Furthermore, in response to the possible overturning of this case, many people have partaken in multiple protests to allow different voices to be heard. According to NBC News, “Tens of thousands of demonstrators are taking to the streets in hundreds of protests across the country on Saturday to defend abortion rights following a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark law that legalized abortion nationwide.”
People have been turning out to about 370 rallies and the biggest rallies being in New York, Washington D.C, Los Angeles, and Chicago. NBC News also reports women stating that they are losing rights to their bodies. Additionally, This news site also says that some birth control bans could result from the overturn of Roe v. Wade decision.
If the court had made the final conclusion to end the security on abortions, “at least 26 US states, mostly in the south and midwest, would be certain to outlaw abortion,” says The Guardian. This would cause hightened violence and danger to women who want an abortion, resulting in them needing to travel many miles away just to have on legally.
Evelyn Tamez, a women in an interview for the Washington Post, argues that “it’s not going to stop abortions. It’s just going to stop safe abortions.” Women from all over the country have been reporting to the Washington Post, saying how the overturn of this case will have negative results on women’s lives.