The Somerset Hills YMCA will be beginning their annual campaign to fundraise for child care and health programs in February of 2023. A six-week campaign that lasts from February to March, Greater Somerset County YMCA (GSCYMCA) will work to raise money to fund financial assistance programs for underprivileged community members. All of the proceeds raised during the six week long fundraiser will be put towards “supporting individuals in our community who suffer financially, physically, or emotionally” quotes Megeen Laska, the director of mission advancement at the YMCA.
Childcare is undoubtedly a necessity for most families. However, it’s price tag often inhibits some from being able take advantage of it’s many perks. The YMCA offers many programs such as daycare and summer camps that give children an enriching and fun experience. Unfortunately, many working families struggle financially and may not have the funds to be able to send their children to necessary child care programs. On average, one in ten children receive financial aid from the YMCA. The GSCYMCA makes it their mission to raise enough money to be able to fund those children who cannot afford the program.
Not only do funds raised go towards subsidizing financial aid for families in need, they also go towards other essential programs that keep the community thriving. The YMCA puts many of their proceeds towards Livestrong, a program at the YMCA for cancer survivors, Saturdays in Motion, Career Corner for underemployed adults, food security initiatives, and many more essential programs that positively impact community member’s lives.
In past years, the YMCA’s annual campaign raised upwards of 1.1 million dollars to help subsidize child care and their many other important programs. However, this year they are hoping to be able to reach their goal of 1.5 million dollars. These funds are directly put towards underprivileged community members and are imperative in the enrichment of many different lives.
So, what can you do to help the cause? The YMCA “welcomes the support of the community as both donors and volunteers.” There are many opportunities for local citizens to volunteer. Interested individuals can find the many different activities in need of volunteers by going to the GSCYMCA website under the “Support the Y for a Better Us” section. Here, community members can volunteer to aid in programs such as Saturdays in Motion or can become a “homework helper”, providing tutoring for students who need it. Even without volunteering, there are still many other ways to help. Donations are accepted on their website, where “no gift is too small.” The YMCA is asking for the community’s help, any form of donation helps the YMCA to further transform the lives of community members in need.
YMCA raises awareness and funds during the upcoming weeks
Preschool 2 classroom during afternoon playtime; playing with toys and sitting at a coloring station.
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