Photo by Jane Holmes
Jane Holmes Poses in Florida for a picture of herself
Crimson Staff Senior Jane Holmes: Layout Editor-In-Chief
Q: What made you join journalism?
A: Sophomore year I was placed into journalism because it was my backup elective and I am so happy that I was placed into this class. It is my favorite class I have taken in all of high school.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about journalism?
A: I enjoy layout the most because for In-depth I can design it however I want.
Q: What has been your favorite article you have written?
A: My favorite article I have written is the Natural highs one.
Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: I am going to College of Charleston and majoring in business.
Q: How has journalism helped you as a student?
A: Journalism has made me a better writer and made me want to continue to do journalism in college.
Q: What advice would you give first year journalism students?
A: Stay in the class! It will help you become a better writer and you will become so much more informed about what is going on around town and in school.
Q: How did you become an editor in chief? What are the tasks and responsibilities to have this position?
A: I took journalism all four years and worked my way up the ranks. Tasks include looking over writing and layout and being the final eyes before sending to print.
Q: What made you want to take on this role?
A: I want to go into a career in journalism and it is a good experience for that.