In September, ABC Network released a new show called The Golden Bachelor, starring 72-year-old Gerry Turner, a retired restaurateur who is looking to find love after his wife Toni died of an infection in 2017. Gerry Turner had a loving relationship with his wife and when she was dealing with her medical issue he “took her to the emergency room and she never came back.”
Now, he wants to find a lifelong partner on the show and is optimistic about meeting all 22 women. Specifically, Turner would “love it if [he] found a partner who is a high energy”, as noted by Women’s Health Magazine. He also told Good Morning America, that he is seeking “someone who [is] high-energy. Someone who maybe plays pickleball, someone who maybe plays golf.” Fans of shows like “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette.” are excited to see this very new, very pure approach to “The Bachelor.”
The first episode “Week 1” consists of introductions. As per tradition, all 22 women drive up to the entrance to the house to introduce themselves to the golden bachelor- Some introductions are elaborate like a chicken dance, and some are just a simple “Hi, how are you?” Gerry finds himself overwhelmed with so many great women, knowing he could potentially grow old with one of them.
The second episode “Week 2” consists of the first dates with each of the women. Gerry gets to spend time with every lady to get to know each of them better. Some dates are spent celebrating a birthday, some are simple dinners, and some even end in tears.
Because of how new the show is, it gets different feedback from viewers. Jane Lewis ‘24 says she is “not a fan of dating reality shows but [she] think[s] it is cool that they have created one that is not only for younger participants.” Not all feedback is positive, however, as Andrew Och ‘24, thinks “the network is running out of ideas” and that it “is the same show repeated for different audiences.” It is almost a given that brand new shows will receive various feedback, especially a show with a concept that has been around for ages. With “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette” being some of the most popular shows with viewers today, introducing something new to the franchise can raise some concern about the network “messing with perfection.”
The Golden Bachelor has been well received as it is a pure approach to original ideas. It reminds us how important it is to not only surround ourselves with people that better us, but someone we enjoy life with. As the Cosmopolitan states, Gerry “proves it is never too late to find love again.”