Apple’s new iPhone, released on September 22, 2023, has run into some troubling issues. Users report the iPhone overheats and is easily breakable. According to Apple, the new iPhone is made out of titanium, different from other iPhones, and has a glass backing, introduced in newer models.
Gianna Galesi ‘24 said, “I personally didn’t have any [problems], but I have heard that they are more breakable and overheat.”
Titanium is supposed to make the phone more durable, but consumers have reported on multiple social media platforms that the iPhone is extremely fragile. Social media trends have indicated that from a consumer standpoint not only is the phone easily damaged, but also tends to overheat, even reporting the iPhone becoming too hot to handle without burning someone’s hands.
Hamna Arif posted a review on social media about the iPhone stating that the phone overheated to the point of burning her hands. She is not the only one who has had this issue, many other videos have been posted showcasing the damage that is caused by this device.
Social media reviews such as one under the user “naz” report that the iPhone 15 camera zoom is an upgrade from the previous models by about 25 times. Consumers appreciate the sleek and lightweight design, although they do mention the phone having similar physical characteristics to the more recent previous models; the iPhone has the same speakers, same display and same cameras.
Multiple people, such as Mark Beshae, also report (on social media) the battery life being the same or less than previous iPhones and in many people’s opinion the camera is worse than previous models. A caption for a review of the camera by Alexa Priego said, “testing out the iPhone 15 camera. Its nice but i prefer my iPhone 13,” and she is not the only one who feels this way.
Galesi said that she noticed no major differences between the iPhone 15 and other recent models, spiking the question of whether the new iPhones are worth purchasing or if they are becoming repetitive. She said, “If you want the newest model it’s still a good phone, but there are no dramatic differences from the more recent models.”
Mr. Szostak also recently purchased the new iPhone 15. He said that if you want the newest model, it’s still a good phone, but there are no dramatic differences from the more recent models that warrant a change. Mr. Szostak mentioned that the new iPhone does require a new USBC charger and old phone chargers do not work on this model and that is perhaps the most notable change.
While the major differences between the iPhone 15 and other models may not be distinct, the significant changes consist of new materials such as titanium being used, a new charger, and a new “action button.”
Apple’s new iPhone 15 has had its issues with some users as well as being stable for others. The model, despite efforts for modification and innovation, shows no drastic differences to users. Although there was an overheating scare, Apple has released an update stating that it was repaired.
Many consumers are disappointed with the new iPhone 15 and there being no significant changes besides the charging (which users are skeptical about—some loving and some hating this new addition). Customers are frustrated with the fragility of the model and the overheating issues. While some consider this a good investment, others find it a horrible purchase. Apple’s new iPhone faces the skepticism and criticism of consumers.