When deciding which high school education students would like to attend, there are many factors to consider. While the prestigious appeal of a private school may sway a student towards fifty thousand dollars...
Traditionally, college decision day is usually in early May every year. Although, this year, many schools have been pushing back dates as far back as June 1. Schools pushing the deadlines back say they're...
With attention spans falling and teacher and staff irritation rising, New Jersey is starting to implement the frightful phone ban. Following New York’s governor, Kathy Hochul’s proposed ban, the phone...
On Tuesday, February 4th, the company ThinkFast Interactive hosted a presentation for the sophomore class in the PAC. The presentation was centered around creating a fun game show that focused on educating...
The PSAT, Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT), is known as a practice for the SATs. Students generally take the PSATs during the midyear of their sophomore year, and the...
Not meeting the required hours of sleep for a teenager is detrimental to one's health. However, obtaining the full eight to ten hours has been proven time and time again to be difficult for high school...
For the 2024-2025 school year, Bernards High School has cut costs in the form of printers. Due to budgeting issues, there are no longer printers available for use in teachers' classrooms. This adjustment...
June 6th, 1984, the first-ever “block” oriented video game Tetris was released to the public. Tetris took the world by storm in the 80’s, putting up sales numbers that had never been seen by any...
3, 2, 1, Happy New Year! The new year rolls around filled with hope, expectations, and desire to progress each year. But, why has it become such a big deal? New Year’s Eve comes with loads of traditions...
Disney’s Moana 2 movie was released on November 27th, 2024. After the humongous success from the first Moana movie, which came out in the fall of 2016, there was lots of excitement and a high bar to...
With school becoming even more strenuous and competitive over the course of the years, grades have become an even more crucial part of school. For the majority of students, grades are a deciding factor...